
David Rodríguez Velasco
Lingüistica Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Xiaoxu Katia Liu
School of Spanish and Italian
Heilongjiang International University

Participants: 28, 20, 20
Type of Study: group
Location: Harbin, China
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5BT4Z

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Citation information

Rodríguez Velasco, D., and Liu, X. (2021). Immigration and academia: the exhibition of emotions in the management of academic failure in native and non-native university students in Chinese and Spanish. Tonos Digital, 40: 1-31.

Rodríguez Velasco, D., and Ainciburu, C. (2020). ‘Don’t you like me? Am I ugly? Or don’t I speak well?’ Analysis of disagreement and emotional exhibition in the emails of Chinese university students of Spanish. RLA. Revista de Lingüística teórica y Aplicada, 58(1): 37-63.

Ainciburu, C., and Rodríguez Velasco, D. (2021). La interculturalidad del español: los casos de los saludos y las direcciones. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 48(2): 19-31.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

The Nebrija-WOCAE Corpus (Written and Oral Chinese Academic Emails) is a collection of emails written and read by university students from Heilongjiang International University and Universidad Antonio de Nebrija to their lecturer disagreeing about their exam results. The corpus is divided into two major groups: a written corpus and an oral corpus.

Oral Segment

The data for the oral corpus was collected in May 2018 and May 2019 and is divided into two languages: Spanish and Chinese. A total of 48 students of Spanish as a Foreign Language participated in this corpus which was recorded in Harbin, China. The ages of the participants are all between 18 and 20, and they were all in the second year of their academic studies. The duration of each tape lasts between 44 seconds and 1:54 minutes.

Written Segment

The data for the written corpus was collected during the 2017/2018 academic year and was subdivided into two languages: Spanish and English. Each one is likewise subdivided into different groups depending on the academic year of the students. The Spanish-WOCAE Corpus groups 330 emails written by 2nd year (N=79), 3rd year (N=64) and 4th year (N=149) Chinese students and native Spanish students (N=38), while the English-WOCAE Corpus groups 100 emails written by 2nd year (N=50) and 4th year (N=50) Chinese students. The ages of the Chinese participants are between 18 and 27, while the Spaniards are between 20 and 53.

The researcher can show participants' permission to record and use the recordings and provide more information about their linguistic biography.