Irene Buttazzi
Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
Università di Bologna & Universidad Nebrija


Participants: 6
Type of Study: autobiographical narratives
Location: Italy
Media type: written
DOI: doi:10.21415/V6QD-XB60

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Citation information

Ainciburu M. C. e Buttazzi I. (2019). “Esa no soy Yo”: Self-Image and Name Change from the Perspective of Female Immigrants. Languages 2019, 4(4), 83.

Buttazzi, I. (2015). Cómo enseñar a ser algo diferente a partir de uno mismo: observación de elecciones léxicas multimodales en un estudiante italófono de ELE. En Actas del XVI Congreso Internacional de ASELE. Granada: Universidad de Granada.

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Project Description

The IDENTINARR (Narrative Identity in Spanish and Italian) corpus consists of semi-structured multimodal written autobiographical narratives obtained in Italian as a mother tongue and in Spanish as a foreign language. The participants are Italian university learners of Spanish (B2) and they completed a protocol consisting of 14 identical questions once in Italian and once in Spanish. These transcripts files were collected from the Università di Parma students during the 2018/2019 academic year and they are part of a larger protocol.