
Eva Gómez García
Linguistica Aplicada a la Enseñanza del Español
Universidad Nebrija & Brown University


Participants: 15
Type of Study: oral presentations
Location: Rhode Island, USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/QT9D-V212

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Citation information

Gómez García, E. (2020). Academic Relevance of the Oral Presentation in Multicultural Contexts: Contrastive Analysis of Interaction in the Oral Formal Discourse of Heritage Speakers of Spanish and L2 Students from the US. In Planelles Almeida, M., Muñoz Liceras, J. & Foucart, A. (Eds.), Current Perspectives in Language Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Contexts (pp. 263– 297). Cizur Menor: Civitas Thomson Reuters.

Gómez García, E. (2020). La expresión de la actitud en un corpus oral de presentaciones académicas de estudiantes ELE y hablantes de herencia de español en contexto universitario en Estados Unidos. Revista Nebrija De Lingüística Aplicada a La Enseñanza De Lenguas, 14(29), 57 - 75.

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Project Description

CORAP (Corpus of Academic presentations) is a learner corpus of 15 in-class individual presentations in Spanish. This corpus is divided into two sub-corpus. Corpus HH consists of 6 presentations given by Spanish Heritage/Bilingual speakers and Corpus ELE is a collection of 9 presentations given by learners of Spanish as a Foreign Language. This corpus has a total of 15,937 words and a duration of two hours and thirty-two minutes (02:32). The period of compilation of the speech events was between February-April, 2017. The participants were university students from different academic degrees enrolled in the same course offered in Spanish. The topics addressed in the presentations were related to the Latin American Diaspora in the US.