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Nicole Tracy-Ventura Applied Linguistics West Virginia University nicole.tracyventura@mail.wvu.edu |
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Amanda Huensch Linguistics University of Pittsburgh amanda.huensch@pitt.edu website |
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Rosamund Mitchell Applied Linguistics - emeritus University of Southampton r.f.mitchell@soton.ac.uk website |
Participants: | 33 |
Type of Study: | Longitudinal |
Location: | UK, various |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/QR48-MN39 |
Huensch, A., Tracy-Ventura, N., Bridges, J., & Cuesta-Medina, J. (2019). Variables affecting the maintenance of L2 proficiency and fluency four years post-study abroad. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 4, 96-125.
Mitchell, R., Tracy-Ventura, N., & Huensch, A. (accepted). After Study Abroad: The Long-Term Evolution of Multilingual Identity Among Anglophone Languages Graduates. Modern Language Journal.
Tracy-Ventura, N., & Huensch, A. (2018). The potential of publicly shared longitudinal learner corpora in SLA research. In A. Gudmestad & A. Edmonds (Eds.), Critical Reflections on data in second language acquisition. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/lllt.51.07tra
Tracy-Ventura, N., Huensch, A., Mitchell, R. (accepted). Understand the long-term evolution of L2 lexical diversity: The contribution of a longitudinal learner corpus. In B. Le Bruyn & M. Paquot (Eds.), Learner corpora and second language acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
The learner corpora made available here were collected in summer 2016 as part of the research project “Investigating foreign language attrition, maintenance, and development post-instruction and residence abroad: The LANGSNAP participants 3 years later. This project investigates the long-term evolution of foreign language proficiency post-instruction and study/residence abroad, an important and understudied area of research relevant to second language acquisition. LANGSNAP 3.0 contributes new data to the existing longitudinal Languages and Social Networks Abroad Project (LANGSNAP: Mitchell, Tracy-Ventura, McManus, 2017; Tracy-Ventura, Mitchell, & McManus, 2016). More information about LANGSNAP and the experimental tasks can be found at http://langsnap.soton.ac.uk/. and in this book. This repository includes three types of data for each language:
The data available include anonymized audio recordings of the oral interview and story retelling data, as well as transcripts of all data in CHAT format.
For more information, please contact Dr. Nicole Tracy-Ventura (nicole.tracyventura@mail.wvu.edu) or Dr. Amanda Huensch (huensch@usf.edu).
This research was supported by a Language Learning Small Research Grant, a University of South Florida New Researcher Grant, and a USF World Faculty Travel Mobility Grant.