SME Corpus

Samantha Sie
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
University of Cambridge

Participants: 175
Type of Study: narrative
Location: Malaysia, United Kingdom
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/VNRH-8760

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Citation information

Sie, S. (2023). SLABank Database: English - SME Corpus. DOI:10.21415/VNRH-8760

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Corpus Description

The Standard Malaysian English (SME) corpus was compiled from November 2019 to November 2020 as part of the author’s main PhD project, which examined crosslinguistic influence in the ultimate acquisition of Standard English in the Postcolonial Englishes context of Malaysia. Malaysia was chosen as the primary research site for two main reasons. Firstly, it has a linguistically diverse makeup, with Malay, Chinese, and Tamil being some of the most widely spoken first languages (L1s) amongst the local speech communities. Secondly, it has a long-standing history with the English language, which not only enjoys an elevated albeit restrictive status of an official second language (L2) but has also undergone structural indigenisation due to linguistic and sociolinguistic factors such as protracted language contact, L2 acquisitional mechanisms, identity rewritings, and bilingual creativity. Accordingly, the PhD project set out to investigate the extent to which different L1s – including nativized English, which sees a growing number of L1 speakers – played a facilitative or an adverse role in the ultimate acquisition of Standard English.

The corpus comprises 175 elicited narratives produced by adult Malaysians (n = 145; mean age = 20 years, SD = 1.21) and British controls (n = 30, mean age = 21, SD = 2.54). These participants were mostly university students studying in Malaysia (i.e., Universiti Malaya) and the UK (i.e., University of Cambridge), respectively. There are altogether 103,607 words from about 14 hours of audio recording in this corpus.

The narrative task was carried out on a one-to-one basis. Participants were asked to watch an animated silent film called “Snack Attack” (2012) and narrate the story to the researcher. As the morphosyntactic features under inquiry were English finiteness morphemes (i.e., tense inflections, copula and auxiliary BE, auxiliary DO), four questions were presented in the following order to elicit them from participants:

As the data collection had to be conducted in two phases due to Covid disruptions, the narrative sessions took place in different mediums. Consequently, the quality of the audio recordings was affected to a certain degree. In the first phase (November 2019 – March 2020; pre-Covid), the narrative sessions were recorded in person using a Sony ICD-UX560F sound recorder and were held in a quiet, public room (e.g., research office, seminar room) on campus. In the second phase (November 2020; during Covid), the narrative sessions were conducted via Zoom and were recorded using the audio-recording function provided by the video conferencing programme.

The PhD project was carried out in line with the ethical guidelines set by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, University of Cambridge. Participants were informed well in advance about the aims and requirements of the study and took part on a voluntary basis. Most of them gave signed consent to have their anonymised audio files made available in an open-access language corpus, such as TalkBank. There were, however, three individuals who did not give permission for their audio files to be uploaded publicly. Therefore, the transcripts of these three individuals are not audio-linked, whereas the rest are. Finally, for anonymisation purposes, unique IDs were assigned to all participants.

Notes in the transcripts’ @Comment line include:

Reference: Snack Attack (2012). Cadelago, A. Metanoia Films and Arc productions.


I am very grateful to Prof Ianthi Maria Tsimpli for her supervision of my PhD research and her encouragement of the publication of this corpus. The fieldwork was funded by Newnham College and the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, University of Cambridge. My research placement at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics (FLL), Universiti Malaya, was arranged by Prof Dr Stefanie Pillai (host supervisor), who also kindly liaised with the staff at FLL to facilitate the data collection process. I am also thankful to Madam Rema Menon and her team at the Language Unit in FLL, as well as friends from home, for actively helping to promote the study. Moreover, this corpus would not be possible without the research participants who gave their time to provide the data, and for whom I am grateful. Finally, I express my thanks to Prof Brian MacWhinney, who assisted with formatting this corpus to ensure that it is compatible with the latest version of CHAT.